Admin - Filtering on missing account information

On the Manage Users home page, underneath “Add Users”, there are the filter options.

Use the drop-down menu to select how you would like to filter users.


You can use these filter options to search for accounts that are incomplete or that need some maintenance.

For example ;

  • If a student is not linked to a supervisor, none of the entries can be approved
  • If a student is not linked to a trainer/teacher, no-one is monitoring their progress
  • If no email is registered, the user is not receiving alerts/notifications sent by email

Finding missing details -
It's possible to search for :

  • Students not linked to Supervisor & Trainer
  • Student/Supervisor/Trainer without an email address saved
  • Students without an Apprenticeship start date entered

Below are the filters for the 'Missing' filter ;


To use the Filters mentioned above, go to ;

  1. Users -> All Users ;

  2. Select the filter - 'Missing' ;

  3. Select the Sub-Filter that you wish to search for ;
    1. Trainers/Supervisors for student
    2. Email for Student/Supervisor/Trainer
    3. Apprenticeship Start dates

  4. Include a 'tag' filter if needed ;

  5. Hit 'Filter' ;

  6. Click on selected student and edit as required.

  7. Hit 'Save' once you've applied the changes.

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