To get to +Assessment, select +Assessment from the extensions tab on the right-hand side of the toolbar. A new item will appear in the toolbar - +Assessment.
From the new +Assessment tab select > 'Manage Assessment Items' -
1. Use the Filter Options to find the Assessment Item you wish to manage -
Use the filters to narrow down the assessment items, so that you can find the one you need ;
2. Click on the required question -
You will only be able to edit questions your RTO has created ;
3. Edit/review as required -
You can change any of the different aspects of the Assessment Item you set up when you created the item ;
4. When to Save/Archive
- Save Minor Edit
- Punctuation, spelling etc
- Mapping to additional units
- Save as New Item & Archive Old
- For significant change/s
- The old item will be archived and no longer available for selection when building new assessment tools
- A comment is logged under comments (top right) giving the link to the old question ID
- Where the item is already in use in an assessment, the archived item will remain in that assessment
- To implement the use of the new item, a new tool should be created in the Matrix area
- Archive
- No longer available for selection in building assessment tools
- Comment logged under comments, indicating when & by whom it was archived
- Where the item is already in use in an assessment, the archived item will remain in that assessment
- Items may also appear in the question bank that are Global questions – these have been made available by Ready Skills and are available to use but not editable by your RTO
- Comments recorded on action contributes to the RTO's continuous improvement